Comment guidelines

Comment guidelines

You want to leave a comment? We are looking forward to your contributions, suggestions or wishes!
In order to enable a creative and constructive exchange within a professional level, we kindly ask you to respect our general terms and conditions.
There is no claim to have your contributions published. Your e-mail address will not be disclosed, it will only be stored in connection with your comment.

When submitting a comment, kindly follow these guidelines:

- Threats, insults, slander, false allegations, sexual references as well as sexist, racist and other discriminatory statements are not permitted.
- Treat other users and our authors as you would like to be treated yourself. Argue factually and refrain from personal attacks.
- Please remember: Everyone has the right to express their own opinion. Please refrain from trying to force your opinion on others.

Removal of comments and blocking of users

In the event of the following violations of our general terms and conditions, we hereby reserve the right to edit, move or delete posts or comments, or to block the respective IP address. Please understand if we decide to close the comment function. Comments violate our guidelines if:

- they insult and degrade persons in any form.
- they encourage violence against persons, institutions or companies.
- they spread racism, hate propaganda or pornography.
- they call people to demonstrate or rally in any political direction.
- they violate the rights of third parties, in particular copyrights.
- they do not refer to the commented contribution.
- they are not written in German or English. A meaningful exchange of opinions is only possible if the comments are understood by the community.
- they are posted by machine.
- they are misused as advertising space for websites, services.
- they are offering commercial or private goods or services.

Disclaimer for liability

The comments regarding our contributions reflect solely the opinion of individual readers. GSI mbH does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of the contents.